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Banana Bread Cake with Coconut Frosting

1 Sep

Oh, August, please don’t go so soon!

You’re a month to be reckoned with – a whirlwind of summer, and back to school time, and all the fuzzy, anxious times in between.  You took me all the way from Sacramento to Los Angeles,  down to Orange County and San Diego, and now you’re about to bring me home again with your wily ways.  I know it may not be something you set out to do, but you’ve been one of the greatest months so far this year, 2nd only to July.

I hope you forgive my resistance to fulfill all your plans for me at this time, but I think you can understand given my penchant for the ocean, Cafe Gratitude, and the freedoms that don’t often accompany a typical school or work schedule.  Just this once, I wish you’d bend the rules a little and bump any of my immediately upcoming obligations out to September instead.  No?  Fine.

So, school and work, it is, I guess.  I think I can forgive you, August, I know it’s not your fault.  Cake!  Coconut!  Coconut always makes things better!

I know coconut is pretty summery and tropical, but the banana is full-on fall, right?  I’ll work on it.  I’m still getting the hang of this September thing!


Summery Lemon Zest Sugar Cookies {Dairy Free}

6 Aug

Just because it’s August doesn’t mean I’m willing to allow the summering to wind down.  Quite the opposite, in fact!  I’m diving in even further the next couple of weeks, because let’s face it – I have too many more things left on my Los Angeles summer bucket to throw in the (beach) towel now!


Summer dresses are more in full swing than ever before.  Car windows are indefinitely rolled down.  Pedicures are sandy beach scuffed.  Hair & cheeks are perpetually breeze-blown and sun-kissed.  Chilly smoothies are a daily affair, and Cafe Gratitude shakes a way too expensive, forbidden love affair.

 Lemon Zest Sugar Cookies

(Adapted from my lime zest sugar cookies)

Tangy but sweet summer twist on the classic drop sugar cookie.  Citrusy, refreshing, and perfect for the hot weather months.  If you wanted to make a grapefruit version, we’d probably be best friends! 🙂


2  3/4 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup non-dairy margarine (ex: Earth Balance)

1  1/2 cups granulated sugar

1 Tbsp ground flax seed mixed with 3 Tbsp water

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 Tbsp non-dairy milk (ex: soymilk)

juice of 1 lemon

zest of 1 lemon

1/4 cup granulated sugar + zest of 1 lemon mixed, for rolling


Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a Silpat.  Mix together the ground flax and water, set aside.

Cream together the margarine and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer.  Add the egg, flax and water mixture, and vanilla extract, lemon juice, and zest, and beat until fluffy.

In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.  Slowly add dry mixture into wet, mixing between additions.  Scrape down the sides of the bowl as necessary.  If the dough is a little too dry, add in the non-dairy milk; if the dough looks ok at that point, feel free to omit.

Scoop dough out onto a piece of plastic wrap, wrap tightly, and put in freezer for about an hour or so.  When ready to bake, preheat over to 350* F, and scoop dough into 2 Tbsp size chunks.  Roll each into a ball with your hands, and roll in the sugar and zest mixture before placing on cookie sheet.

Back 8-10 minutes until edges are golden brown.  Allow to rest on the pan a few minutes before using a spatula to transfer baked cookies to a cooling rack.


Everything is warmer.  Everything is brighter.  Love is lovier.  Ice cream just tastes better dripping down your arm on the Santa Monica Boardwalk.  Twinkling white lights are more charming strewn across a summertime porch.  Laughter with friends is more therapeutic.


I wish I could press pause on life so that summer could live on well beyond September and into October…but I’ll settle for bike rides in Venice, and more sweet times to come as August lives on <3

My heart is happy when pretty things fill my weekends and I get to put pencil to paper to create.  The more I do, the more I inspire myself to want to create, which I love!

 Skies are blue, and dreams really do come true…even on a Monday morning! 🙂





Strawberry-Topped Chocolate Birthday Cake

16 Jul

Here’s the deal.  I’m always slightly disappointed (and sliiiiightly annoyed) when I visit a blog and they’ve gone and done something like a “Wordless Wednesday” post.  I mean, I sorta get it.  Sometimes there’s just not much to say, or the photos are so amazing they do all the talking or whatever.  Blah blah.  It’s just that usually when I visit a blog, it’s 60% for the oogle-worthy food photos, 20% for the recipes, and the rest for the commentary!  So basically if my calculations are correct, without the commentary I’m being stripped of at least 20% of my blog enjoyment!  That’s generally at least 80% unacceptable!


I like to read about the creation of the recipe, or someone’s workout, etc…(except I don’t like to hear about everything someone ate in a day, especially if the photos aren’t super lovely.  That’s just me.)

So, what else am I probably going to do today but disappoint you all (maybe you’re relieved and you like a break from jabber?) by not exactly following this wordless trend, (since obviously I’ve still done and am still doing some blabbing!) but by cutting it short.  Slightly wordless Monday?  Mostly wordless Monday…..ugh, it’s a working title, darn it! 😉




To be real with you, I have stuff to say.  A lot of stuff.  More stuff than I should say.  But I mostly feel awful because I left town and forgot to bring with me the recipe for this awesome birthday cake I made for my brother’s fiance…future sister-in-law!  So, I guess you get to enjoy it in photos, and I hope you will forgive me for not saying more and not including the recipe!







I hope this made her day a good one! 😀

Happy Birthday (again!), Becky!

Artichoke Heart, Kale & Black Olive Pizza {Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian}

27 May

I’m going to keep this one short and sweet in the interest of the long, gorgeous, holiday weekend!  Things started off a little cloudy yesterday, but cleared right up today!  On to the food…


I wish I could say this pizza was entirely made from scratch, but alas it was assembled with the help of Bob’s Red Mill pizza dough mix – Shhhhh!! 😀

If it wasn’t so dang delicious, I’d be sorta ashamed. Or not. Sometimes you just need a quick, yummy, GLUTEN FREE, DAIRY FREE pizza on a Friday night!

This one’s really simple, and dare I say, the BEST pizza I’ve made, hands down, with the help of Bob since I started using this dough mix! Self-proclaimed kale fanatic that I am, obviously I threw it on a pizza, tossed on some artichoke, a generous helping of black olives (LOVE!), and of course, the best thing to happen to dairy-free cheese since…since nothing! Daiya is just waves beyond the competition, nothing even comes close.

Artichoke, Kale, & Black Olive Pizza

(Gluten-Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian)


* Bob’s Red Mill packaged pizza dough mix, divided in half
* 1 egg
* 2-3 Tbsp Olive Oil
* 1/2 package included yeast
* 1 package Daiya mozzarella cheese
* 1 clove garlic, diced
* 3-4 medium-sized kale leaves
* 1/2 large can artichoke hearts, quartered
* I small can sliced black olives


Follow the directions on the Bob’s Red Mill pizza crust mix to make the dough. Spread dough out on oiled cookie sheet or a cornmeal-sprinkled pizza stone. Poke small holes all over the dough with a fork.

Pre-bake crust according to the package directions. Spread olive oil over the crust in an even layer and sprinkle with diced garlic.

Sprinkle on as much cheese as you’d like (I like to put some down, add the rest of the toppings and then sprinkle on a bit more cheese to hold it all down). Layer on the kale, artichokes, and then black olives. Top with more cheese, if desired.

Bake 20-30 minutes, depending on how browned you like the top of your pizza. Slice and enjoyyyyy!

I kid you not, I made this pizza, had it for dinner, and then both lunch AND dinner the following day. It’s THAT good!

Om nom nom nom…

Happy Holiday Weekending, all you Memorial Day-ers!

Sweet Potato & Coriander Soup

10 May

So remember that time I told you I like to work out bright and early, first thing in the morning?  No?  Me neither.  I would never say that, that’s ridiculous!


For me, morning comes no earlier than 9am, which as far as I’m concerned, is still more or less the crack of dawn, and really only happens when the beckon-call of my bird chirping iphone text feature tweets me out of my slumber.  Ok, I know I make it sound dramatic, but I actually secretly (or not so secretly anymore) LOVE that! =)  What’s that, you say?  My alarm?  Worthless.  Most mornings when I finally peel my eyes open to the world I can’t remember ever having HEARD my alarm go off- sad, no?!  MORE COFFEE, PLEASE! 😀


Anyway, all of this leads to what you’ve probably already guessed: I’m not a morning gym goer.  The good thing is, though, that I’ve also never had the desire to be the type of person who hops out of bed in the morning right into gym clothes ready to buzz out the door for a run or a 6am body pump class.  Don’t get me wrong, if you are this type, more power to you!  I believe we all have our own slightly different circadian rhythms guiding our ideal move-your-booty, get up and pump some iron time!  For me, it’s always been evening time, preferably, and the later in the evening, the better.


I’m not exaaaactly sure why, but I believe it has to do with, one, my body actually being awake and functional, and two, not having to deal with such a crowded gym!  Ok ok, there are three points, and I think this is the most important – I like to know I’ve gotten everything done during the day that I need to, and I can finally get out of my head and break a sweat without feeling like I have a schedule to keep or something to get back to.  If I’m feeling particularly energetic and spunky one evening at the gym, I can draw it out a little longer and take advantage of the unexpected surge; likewise, if I’m feeling a lighter, shorter workout one night, I can go home and unplug and chill that much longer!


The real point here is that I made a journey to the gym a little earlier than usual yesterday evening, and the place was PACKED!  Holy moly.  As it turns out, my body’s ideal (night owl?) time to bust a move is apparently far from everyone elses’ and I couldn’t be happier!…Either that, or they’re just all out on the town while I’m dead lifting my butt off (literally) 😉 haha!  I’m ok with that, too!


While I’m on the subject of the gym and being healthy and everything, I’ve got the perfect soup recipe for you!  Vegetarian, gluten free, ….vegan?  Ya, vegan, probably, too,  if you’re so inclined!

Sweet Potato & Coriander Soup

If you like sweet potatoes and guilt-free creamy, comforting soup, this is the one- it’s my new favorite soup!  If you hadn’t noticed, I have a bit of an obsession with both sweet potatoes and coconut, so this is basically the best of both of my favorite worlds!  If you aren’t worried about the vegetarian and vegan aspect, you can go ahead and use chicken broth, and if you want something even creamier and more decadent, go crazy with full-fat coconut milk!  Top with a sprinkle of hemp seeds!


* 3 Tbsp olive oil
* 2 small onions (I used 1 red, 1 white), peeled and chopped
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 5 large carrots, sliced
* 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes, cubed
* 4 ribs of celery, sliced
* 8 cups vegetable (make sure it’s gf/vegan) or chicken broth (make sure it’s gf, if you need)
* 5 tsp ground coriander
* 1 can (13.66 oz.) lite coconut milk
* 1 small can northern beans or chickpeas
* 5 leaves of kale, torn and stems removed
* Dash of salt, to taste
* Ground black pepper, to taste


Heat the olive oil in a big soup pan on medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook for 10 minutes (stirring often) until lightly browned.

Add carrots, celery, sweet potato, and vegetable (or chicken) broth to the pot. Bring to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for about 50 minutes to an hour (until veggies are smash-tender).

Use a potato masher to mash up vegetables into whatever texture you like (or pour small batches into a blender and blend smooth before returning to the pan).

Stir in coriander, coconut milk, salt, pepper, and northern beans, and cook about 5 more minutes to heat through. Add kale pieces and cook another couple minutes until the leaves have softened.

Another one of my favorite foods right now – KALE!  Spinach had to take a step to the side once I hopped on the kale train, but don’t worry, spinach still holds a special place in my heart (and plate!)  Just turns out kale is what I had on hand when I made this, and it worked perfectly!

I have to confess something here.  The sweet potatoes in the photo above aren’t the actual sweet potatoes I threw in this soup – oopsie!  The ones I used were slightly smaller and BRIGHT gorgeous orange inside!  I just didn’t happen to snap a pic in all the madness.  Next time!


Once you’ve simmered your veggies for a good 50 minutes to an hour, mash ’em up rough-like with a potato masher!  If you prefer really smooth creamy soups, you can even pour it into a blender at this point and blend it up smooth before putting it back in your pot and finishing it up.

Coconut milk!  Low fat version, since bikini season is right around the corner =) …but like I said, feel free to really let loose with the full fat stuff if you’re feelin’ it!  No judgements here.

Good to the last drop…or whatever they say about coffee.


I’ve made this soup recipe going on 4 times in the last 2 months – it’s THAT good!  The first couple times I made it, I threw in chickpeas!  Love those little guys, and they worked beautifully, too!  Northern beans (below) get my stamp of approval, for sure!

Ahem, kale…need I say more??  Load that fluffy green stuff in!  The more the better…

Ta da!  Major yum.  I can eat this soup for several meals in a row.  Fact.

There is a lot of talk and opinion (some scientifically based, some not) going around about the best time of day to work out.  Early, late, mid-day, etc. etc…and maybe I’d buy in to it all a little more if we were all cookie cutter bodies with the same demands, time constraints, and expectations.  But we’re not.  I know, shocking, ha!

Where was I going with all this?  Oh right.  Not to discount science AT ALL, but in my humble opinion, the best time to work out is when you’ll actually do it!  Some exercise will always be better than no exercise, of course!  So get out there and sweat it up, whenever!

…Then follow up with this yummy post-workout recovery soup, and chirp tweet me in the morning! 😉