Tag Archives: Sweet Potato and Coriander

Favorite Fall Weather Soups!

23 Oct

It’s October and it’s crazy chilly!  We’re talking I’m in California, fall is barely under-way,  and I’m already freezing my butt off chilly!  Don’t talk to me about the East Coast or somewhere that’s actually considered cold, please, or I’ll literally have to park myself in front of a blow dryer or my car heater to thaw out for the better part of the season!  I may end up doing that anyway.

I have to admit, one of my favorite ways to warm up AND eat something delicious at the same time is to make soup!  There are just so many variations, and so many possibilities!  Here are my two very favorite soups at the moment – warm, hearty, and immune-boosting sweet potato & coriander, and garden vegetable! Don’t even try to tell me you don’t see people getting sick left and right already!  I refuse to let that be me!  Don’t let it be you!  Just click on the links below for the full recipes, and whip up some soup to watch movies and cuddle up on the couch with!

Sweet Potato and Coriander Soup

Garden Vegetable Soup

Happy snuggly soup-making!

Stay warm, be healthy.

PS: I can’t wait for Halloween!